casey jo

i don’t normally endorse prime time television. okay that’s a lie. i love arrested development and the office. but don’t ask me when they air; i watch them off of DVD and such. i made an exception in this case. ha ha, i said case. about a month ago, maybe more, casey jo and I […]

knock knock

my next DJ gig is thursday, february the 9th at Hush. it is a fundraiser for the open door society of victoria. come support a good cause and enjoy great music simultaneously! i’ll be doing the warm up set as i don’t get to do that too often and i quite enjoy music of a […]


no fancy tricks here, just auto-levels on an underexposed sunlit subject with shadowy background. i took the photo on the songhees waterfront area, where the seaplanes take off, the mouth of victoria’s inner harbour. so check it out aight? canada has a new prime minister. his name is george w. bush. he has a rep […]

the blue hour

what is the blue hour? the blue hour is definied by wikipedia as something not too dissimilar to twilight. for a while i’ve been using it to describe anything i want, in particular that time-warp zone between 11pm – 1 AM. you look at the time at 11ish and it’s like “ok yeah, the night […]