I found this neat place on Hornby Island during Labour Day weekend last year. It occurred to me just a moment ago that we had gone last year and I had not posted many photos. Part of the reason was that I didn’t take very many photos because we were there only briefly, and it […]
Monthly Archives: June 2008
ignore for a moment, that there is a man in the upper right quadrant of this photo. and then consider the notion: every working person in the world is in this photo, and all the money in the world is also in this photo. where are they? where is it? with the chains, the hydraulics, […]
AFK – Pacific Front Sessions: May 2008
spread firefox fail
The makers, or should I say, the marketers of Firefox 3 have come up with a clever campaign for the new version of Firefox. Break a world record for most downloads of a piece of software in one day by getting people to pledge to download on a certain day. Well that day is today […]
access to the excess
Hey – this is a post I’ve been putting off for a week and a half. I have meant to post my 2 hour Pacific Front Sessions mix for May but I haven’t been able to get ahold of the version with voiceovers yet – hopefully soon as I’ve got the mix post ready to […]