I found this neat place on Hornby Island during Labour Day weekend last year. It occurred to me just a moment ago that we had gone last year and I had not posted many photos. Part of the reason was that I didn’t take very many photos because we were there only briefly, and it was raining hard the whole time we were there. Our original plans for camping were ditched in favour of a B&B – we got in due to a last minute cancellation because of the monsoon-like rain.
So this year we will be going on Saturday until Tuesday for the semi-long weekend. I say semi because we took time off work on the non-holiday to extend the weekend until Tuesday, which is a stat holiday for Canada day.
Some things:
- You can now search this site – look in the upper right and you’ll see a Search Box
- I am working with Justin (Formulate) on a special 2 hour mix for Pacific Front Sessions – it’s the show’s 3rd year anniversary
- Our guest on Pacific Front Sessions for July will be Fractal from Tide Pool
- Snapshot is in the works – I just spoke to Jason at Sunset Collaborations and it looks like late July will be the date
- We’re overdue for a photogroffee
- Bergamot Studios (the business) is rolling along nicely with business set up – we have a logo, an invoice, and the rest of the print collateral is to follow along with a spiffy new website in the fall
- Bergamot (the song) is stubbornly resisting the finishing touches, but my remix of the collaborative track with Formulate and Dustin H is done – only one more to go!
- Death to Sexy sent new parts for the remix that I will be doing of them – I’ll be sending them Bergamot for a remix treatment from them as well
- You can now follow me on whoisi.com – an interesting contact-based multi-feed aggregator
- I am still not on twitter – this post alone probably would have been at least 15 twitter micro-blogs
- I am registered for two classes at Camosun this fall – these classes will be counting towards my BBA
- I installed wordpress on anandgreenwell.com and neilgreenwell.com last night – it took about 10 minutes to do through Godaddy’s admin interface – much easier installation than Moveable Type
- I still love Movable Type but I really enjoy looking at different online publishing tools and seeing what works well and what could stand to be improved
Cool photo. Seems like you guys are going to have a swell long weekend! And nice update, seems like you have lots going on lately (as usual). I look forward to your new PFS 3 year anniversary mix.
Fresh lettuce is awesome. I pick some up from my mom’s whenever I visit. The best part is that if you cut it right, it grows back within 10 days. Renewable food! We should do a photogrophee sometime soon, it IS overdue, especially with the nice weather lately.
P.S. nice work on adding the site search. Small suggestion: add javascript to delete the text “Search site” when you focus on the textbox (and maybe put it back when you leave focus).
P.P.S Your template for the comment preview seems to be slightly broken – the transparent background does not stretch to fit the form.
All good ideas on the site search. Will look into the js for focussing etc. Also fixed the comment preview, though I have to admit I am not really sure how useful a comment preview really is. Do you use it much?
Tremendous searching powa!
And purdy CSS tweaks, too.
Me? I use comment preview on those rare occasions when I wanna see if html code works in comment boxes. =)
Damn. doesn’t work.
OMG it’s an Earth Ship! Those are the epitome of hippy green sustainable neat-looking coolness.