light show tonight

tonight is victoria’s annual installment of luminara, an event i have only heard of — never been to. the image above is from a month ago when krishen visited victoria and people were making little floating lanterns at twilight on gonzales beach. krishen took this picture, i think! take a look at this description from […]


because of this rather specific British Airways Strike, we didn’t get to see sasha last night in blackpool. you would think that an airline company strike would not prevent you from seeing a UK DJ in the UK.. especially when you made the 3 hour trip that they would need to make just days before. […]

totally tubular

for some reason i am finding the tube really easy to get around on — more so than the bus. i had a fun and rather full day today. i went into the tubes. i went in search of the elusive Tag Records, which is apparently sasha and digweed’s favorite record store here in London. […]