
i can not call my angriness a mistake; it was how i reacted. my response was written feeling, which i think is perfectly fair.
my email was responded to by the president of rogue amoeba, and he defended the way things were set up in their program. i appreciated that he responded to my email within 30 minutes of me sending it. that means something to me, and i respect their efforts for that. all reports from krishen say that it is a great piece of software.
krishen gave me sarah mclachlan’s new album for xmas. in that cd, there are a bunch of pictures of sarah. man, she looks hotter now than ever. someone got her a great photographer and fashion / image consultant. or maybe she’s just got style, which is a pretty big possibility.
anyways, i found the following on her “enhanced cd”.. seems like they forgot to finish it:

Bandlink CD Distribution Software V1.0
Last Updated 01/15/03 by Cedric Gore
Updated the “LiveInstaller.exe” file to use standard HTTP request.
This document details the directory structure and organization for all Bandlink files which are to be included on a Bandlink Master CD.
All Windows files are located within the Win_Files Directory

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