i was thinking about matrix vertical e-services for a while, and how they could help synergize enterprise deliverables while incubating 24/365 action-items on an aggregate wireless technologies front. but then i was all about brand compelling infrastructures and the theme behind the architecture for plug-and-play mindshare (blogs) and how they have helped everyone unleash 24/7 interfaces and essentially incentivized interactive communities.
ladies and gentlemen, go nowhere without your web economy bull[bleep] generator.
btw: i am reading almost everyone’s site through RSS feeds now.. so if you don’t have one.. you need to get one! here is a link to my RSS feeds:
/blog/index.xml (RSS 0.91)
/blog/index.rdf (RSS 1.0)
folks on diaryland or blog-city etc don’t have RSS (yet) AFAIK. keep on waiting, or move to moveabletype.
I have absolutely no idea what you said in the first paragraph… I need a translat0r 🙂
Secondly, after seeing the RSS feed example, I sure dont want to read everyone’s blog like that, that’s for sure, cuz it looks like hell. I don’t understand why anyone would want it really….. why not just go to the person’s blog, where they have the site designed the way they want you to see it?
yes, the feedlies are very cool. Thank you for telling Amanda who told me. I am a much lazier person now! And I am proud!
I <3 the rss feeds…. now webpages come to me!
here’s my latest rss subscription: http://grouphug.us