i’ll be doing a bigger post tonight about the labour day weekend. truly huge! what a rock star weekend indeed.
diversity is my university
i’ll be doing a bigger post tonight about the labour day weekend. truly huge! what a rock star weekend indeed.
*taps fingers on her desk impatiently* well i’ve been waiting all day!
btw, don’t forget to send that picture of me spinning at t&g’s eight thousand years ago!
heheh well i just got in and i am about to go to sleep.. i don’t have enough time these days!
i’ve been wondering who to talk to about that. you know, adding a few hours onto the day so we’d have a bit more time to get things done. or relax. i tried talking with mother nature, but she flat out refused to do anything about it. said i had to be divine, or something.
was it a MASSIVEly huge weekend?