this is very interesting for anyone in victoria who uses moveabletype:
in fact, the whole idea is pretty interesting. i have always been into online geek real life conferencing (or “meets” as they are referred to by most people) and this is a neato looking tool for such planning. if you are in victoria, and you have not joined this bit yet, do it! we’ll have a moveabletype international meet, pending 5 people or more sign up. i know you’re out there! let’s do it! come on! woo!
here is the email you get when you sign up:
Thank you for signing up…
We will keep you updated via email!
International Movable Type Meetup Day
Monday, September 8 @ 7:00PM
In up to 561 towns (anywhere that at least 5 people sign up)
The exact local venue is up for a vote.
We will keep you updated via email.
MT Users and friends
that labour day weekend update is still on the way, by the way. way. i just have so many pictures.. it takes time. i have noticed the disappointing inventory scalability of iPhoto getting in the way of the speed that i post pictures and the like. i am incredibly organized with it, however.. which is a fair trade off, for the time being.
just imagine my weekend for now. a headlining slot at a rave, a house party with old friends who have come back to victoria from all over the world, and exposing the 1st year students at UVic to a new radio station that the 2nd, 3rd and 4th year students don’t even know exists.
House Party too!?
Nice 🙂
heh, nice! so you’re doing the WoW (weeks of welcome) thing?
I listen :)… I am listener number 5