the shadows of darkness cast a shadowy dark spell over the ant kingdom causing at least several minutes of darkness!
can you guess who these shadows belong to?
[hint: one of them took the picture]
diversity is my university
the shadows of darkness cast a shadowy dark spell over the ant kingdom causing at least several minutes of darkness!
can you guess who these shadows belong to?
[hint: one of them took the picture]
umm..jim, davin, craig and yoseff?
erm, that does not look like a yoseff or a craig to me, though it does look like jim and davin, in the order you specified. hmm!
heh that’s so funny. the first shadow looks like davin to me. then craig. i don’t know about the last two. jim and yos?
come to think of it, the second shadow has a kind of yos look to it. and whoever owns the first shadow of darkness is wearing phat pants. *hones detective skillz*
from left to right.. that’s me, jim, craig and yoseff!
oh! so close!’s is guessin’ that Chrissie won this contest 😀
yes, she did! but in the wrong order.. kinda won. sorta..
I wasn’t thinking of the order at the time..hmm..oh well.But i gave you guys a big hint
poo! i knew it was those boys, because i knew they were hanging out one afternoon last time davin was out. so, um, i think i should win. yeah!
i should win! (“best effort by person in different country”)
*snort laughs* ahh…for some reason, i find that *really* funny this morning…