kind of a personal question isn’t it? i spent the day in comox at their ‘home show’. good stuff, it was pretty quiet. the best part was that shaw had a booth set up with the canucks game. i couldn’t quite see from where i was but i got to glimpse every now and then.
on my break i went down to the beach and it was beautiful. got some more shots in, amongst them a really cool one of Some Sand and A Bunch Of Rocks. etc. the break didn’t last long enough.
there were all sorts of businesses at the home show. the drive back at dusk was pretty and relaxing. it was pretty relaxing. there’s something i really really like about driving on highways. i didn’t have a CD player but the radio did just fine with the hockey broadcast keeping me company along the way. steph fell asleep half way through the journey. yep, pretty relaxing.
ahh driving.
how long are you in town?
dude!!! awesome pics, made me laugh. 🙂
chrissie: monday and tuesday