it’s monday! time to lift!

lift it all up, whut!
this is the second week of lift at hush.. with myself and yoseff as residents. we still don’t have any posters on telephone poles, but I wonder how effective that is. i think that we have to spend a couple mondays plastering uvic with posters and flyers. i believe we’ll enjoy the results.
at the club over the weekend, there was a notable increase in attendence, mainly due to school being back in season.
i’ve been waiting for someone to come over for the last few hours. this is a ridiculous waste of time. i am not angry; i am just disappointed because we could’ve gotten pretty far with the song we’re working on, and in turn we’re no further than before, even though i’ve put my time in.

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  1. You should put your posters up on the net and then post in here when you need some done, and let your friends print them out and post them around their place. even if it’s just on their way to the store, or at the laundromat, or whatever.
    go go gadget run on sentences!

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