The blueprint for how TEDxVictoria currently exists came from these three – Dylan, John and Carol-Lynne. I am fortunate to have worked with them quite a bit on TEDxVictoria in the past.

You should check out the three of them, they’re actually very active in their own ways:

  • Dylan is the chief organizer of TEDxVictoria and just went to TEDActive – check out his blog as linked – he has written extensively about it and a lot of other stuff too. He has lent me two dystopian future scifi novels that I am reading right now.
  • Carol-Lynne has a lot of stuff going on.  I think the only way to keep up with it all is her 11k+ tweets. She hasn’t lent me any books.
  • John has tremendous business and technology  sense and has started up something called Coinforest. He’s lent me a book called “What Technology Wants” and I haven’t started it yet, because Dylan lent me two books that I haven’t finished yet.



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