mmmmm .. photography, earl grey tea and coldplay.
A warning sign
I missed the good part then I realized
I started looking and the bubble burst
I started looking for excuses
A warning sign
You came back to haunt me and I realized
That you were an island and I passed you by
And you were an island to discover
Come on in
I’ve gotta tell you what a state I’m in
I’ve gotta tell you in my loudest tones
That I started looking for a warning sign
When the truth is, I miss you
Yeah the truth is, that I miss you so
And I’m tired I should not have let you go
So I crawl back into your open arms
words: coldplay – ‘warning sign’ (came on randomly..)
weird, i just listened to that song
btw “mmmmm” is the secret word of the day. whenever you hear somebody say the secret word, scream!!!
I just went and put it on so I could have something to post about.
yes, randomly