holy balls! that first one is amazing. man, i miss the west coast!!
man oh man. they all turned out gorgeous, but i particularly dig that second one.
all over the second one… how DO you do that?
how long of an exposure do you run on that, davin? i think my camera can only do up to 15 seconds.. is that a 30?
rachel anne: yeah you should! it is amazing out here. ask matt, last night i was ranting and raving about how beautiful it is here all freakin’ night.
matt: thank you, can’t wait to see your shots!
shy woman: low apeture, high iso, long time expsoure, tripod, framing into thirds, full moon lighting, perfect midnight blue sky background as provided by a high pressure pacific front. hehe
mike ph0ng: 15 second exposures here
holy balls! that first one is amazing. man, i miss the west coast!!
man oh man. they all turned out gorgeous, but i particularly dig that second one.
all over the second one… how DO you do that?
how long of an exposure do you run on that, davin? i think my camera can only do up to 15 seconds.. is that a 30?
rachel anne: yeah you should! it is amazing out here. ask matt, last night i was ranting and raving about how beautiful it is here all freakin’ night.
matt: thank you, can’t wait to see your shots!
shy woman: low apeture, high iso, long time expsoure, tripod, framing into thirds, full moon lighting, perfect midnight blue sky background as provided by a high pressure pacific front. hehe
mike ph0ng: 15 second exposures here