luminara victoria 2004 pictures

luminara 2004 victoria
luminara 2004 victoria
luminara 2004 victoria
luminara 2004 victoria
luminara 2004 victoria
luminara 2004 victoria
luminara 2004 victoria
luminara 2004 victoria
luminara 2004 victoria
luminara 2004 victoria
luminara 2004 victoria
luminara 2004 victoria
luminara 2004 victoria
luminara 2004 victoria
luminara 2004 victoria
luminara 2004 victoria
luminara 2004 victoria
luminara 2004 victoria
luminara 2004 victoria
luminara 2004 victoria
luminara 2004 victoria

luminara 2004 was plenty of fun. however, i thought the displays were weaker than last year by a hell of a lot, and it still ended at 11 PM. that is only 1.5 hours of darkness for several hours of preparation. what could have made luminara 2004 better than last year is if they had denis out, but at the last minute they gave him a space which only let him have 2 hours of preparation, max. weak. denis spent 12 hours on his display in his back yard a few weeks ago and it looked incredible. this year they had a little bit of black light action. also they said they did not permit amplified music, but i heard some electric guitar last night. it would be nice to spin a bunch of ambient music with denis’ display. we wont have a rave or anything .. but it’s the right music for an event like this and they wont permit it. that’s a shame.
i would link to luminara victoria’s website, but they’ve chosen to host on a provider that takes down their website if there is more traffic than what was agreed upon. weak!
i should mention that i am very happy that luminara victoria happens. it makes victoria a more interesting place to live. i can just see a few ways it could be done better. unfortunately, i don’t have enough time to volunteer with them.

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  1. Awesome pictures!
    Having not seen Luminara last year, I didn’t know what to expect. It was very amazing, but I was expecting more lanterns, strangely.
    I agree that they should have allowed music. I can’t even imagine how cool it would have been to hear some sasha-air drawn dagger, or something even more tranc-y to accompany the beauty of the lanterns. Lights should never be without music.
    The balkan babes singing near Douglas were pretty cool though. Excellent singers.

  2. oooh, nifty — would have loved to have been there with my camera. and you’re right, a bit of ambient choonage would totally suit denis’ display.
    wow, that website traffic policy sucks. so hard i could throw out my vacuum cleaner and use it instead. why don’t they just bill at a different rate?

  3. wheee…cool pics. plus, one of jim with his eyes open! and i even saw him for real ( but was too shy to say hi! ) and it looks like gurton was taking the exact same picture i did.
    this was my first year at luminara and i loved it. kind of just expected kids with lanterns or something. it was beautiful and wonderful and interesting and i ended up taking almost 200 pictures. thank goodness i got a digital!
    wasn’t that puppet gal/guy cool?

  4. I had a fantastic time at Luminara, but I too was sad about the lack of dark time. Also, I couldn’t help but imagine how much more fantastic it would have been if all the participants had brought their own lanterns. Almost no one did that we saw! We brought lanterns and wore costumes, of course. Pictures coming tomorrow at my weblog. Your pics are much better than mine, though!

  5. So you’re saying that you missed all three of our sets? We had amplified music, and black-lit pyramids, and glowy poi and staff. Sux0rz to you, piggies! You should have seen it. Boohoo you didn’t. All that work for nothing.
    (few pics on my blog)

  6. LOVED your photos. As producer of this event since its start in 2000, I was a bit bummed to read some of your comments, especially today. Cuz today I had to announce that Luminara was going on hiatus until 2006, tell our staff they won’t be working on the event next year… etc. NO FUN. Not enough funding, too many obstacles… this event takes MONTHS of work by a small staff of hard working people and hundreds of really dedicated volunteers (not a ‘few hours of set-up’). We do what we can with what we have.
    By the way, to address some of the comments: we shut down at 11:00 because that is part of our events’ license… We break the rules, we don’t get to do it the next year. Add to that the fact that is the same people who put the thing on who are the ones striking it the same night, working until 3 or 4 in the morning to take it all down so the next morning you’d never know it happened.. “like magic”. But NOT magic. Hard work. Time. Money!!!. Effort. So next time (2006) come earlier and enjoy the twilight. Not all the magic happens after dark. And if you think it could be better… help out. It is the community that makes it happen.
    Anyway, thanks for the awesome photos… they cheered me up, even if a few of the comments bummed me out. See you at Luminara 2006 – July 22.

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