the radio show was a sketchfest last night, even though it was fun, mostly on-time etc. i think i played a total of 7 records, which when you consider the amount of time i put into putting together records and music, it’s pathetic. i played charles paul’s new “chompers mercy kill” remix of magnetic last night, which is a really awesome tech-trance bit (not really tech-trance but it’s the closest thing i can think of) and it mixed quite smoothly. think nathan fake-ish.
i did more work on dreamcache last night. i finally removed the ducking tamborine. wtf was i thinking in the first place? it works well (actually) on magnetic but i never intended to keep it in the track.. it was more of a space-filler that i used until i figured out what i really wanted. this is more like it.
so i burned it to CD last night but unfortunately i burned a data CD of the audio track. i didn’t end up playing it (obviously). next show..
this weekend means more work on the pacific front logo concepts and meeting up with justin and charles to jam on our idea.
it’s too nice out to sleep in.
imma go play tennis with jay carvy, meet up with sir jim for coffee, and then hit up some birthday party axshun toniiight!
I am non compus mentus re: ducking tambourine. I can’t quite get the image 🙂