red snow camera geeking

taken last night in the highlands.

me, jim and krishen “went for coffee” last night at boston pizza. if you could only see the geekiness that we achieved, you would be amazed. or maybe not. i think this picture sums it up well. our waitress vanessa was fascinated by the cameras. i’ll post that picture some other time!

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  1. I have strategically place my body between my Nikon and that image. A great camera, the 995 has served me well but is worried this young upstart generation of cameras will capture my heart. When it glimpsed the pic through its mere 4* zoom the whimpering started, and would quickly have turned to tears if I hadn’t intervened.
    Shame on you.

  2. actually my canon only has a 3x optical zoom. and an 11x digital zoom, but digital zoom doesn’t count because it degrades resolution and interpolates pixels and that’s sucky. 🙂

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