a remarkable year for the canucks

A good friend of mine once said that if you’re good enough at what you do, people start doing your marketing for you.
Certainly that is true in the case of the Vancouver Canucks.
Their regular season was full of hard work, gelling, out-skilling and out-working their opponents. Their game has consisted of their own agenda, but that agenda also involves cracking their opponents at their own game, whatever game they may have.
Now it’s the part of the season where they find themselves competing for the Stanley Cup. I remember watching in 1994, which ended in a riot, but I prefer to remember how exciting that playoff run was. This one has been just as exciting and I’ve enjoyed every minute of it. I don’t know how this Stanley Cup Final series will pan out (this is why we all watch – because we do not know), but one thing is for certain: they have been incredibly entertaining, and then some.
I opted out of getting cable for the playoffs, and instead decided that a more social experience at the neighbourhood pub would be worth exploring. I’ve been watching at The Beagle in Cook Street Village, watching with another good friend fairly consistently, and it’s been an excellent experience. I hope that, one year, AppleTV will add an NHL app (like they just picked up for some other major league sports), but for now I am very happy being a part of the community in the village.

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1 Comment

  1. That’s funny; I got cable BACK for the playoffs.
    Good work on getting the flag. I was skunked trying to shoot it today. Try, try again…

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