photogroffee: east sooke park

A week and a half ago we went for a photogroffee/hike in East Sooke Park. We parked at Pike Road’s parking lot and then went straight for the view point on the ocean. It was spectacular. The trails ended up being somewhat treacherous as we headed east along the coast so we cut in towards the old copper mines before climbing partially over a mountain on the way back to the parking lot.
Cool stuff:

  • You can see more photos from the same walk here – penguin graphic
  • Bergamot Studios development continues.
  • VEMF continues to roll ahead with planning and marketing for August 2nd and 3rd. Demo applications for artists are pouring in and the application will continue to be open until June 8th.
  • My good friend Justin (you may know him from his Shiloh project) has started up a music making business called moreh and zuhr – composition and production with a colleague named Zuhr and they’re already off to the races. They’re represented by Four Bars Entertainment, who are responsible for the music in games such as World of Warcraft, Guitar Hero III, Gears of War, Lord of the Rings, Shrek the Third, The Da Vinci Code, etc. This is a huge advance and I’m very excited for them.

Look below for sixteen more photos from the photogroffee session.


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  1. Oh, mousie. =/
    But, froggie! =)
    It almost looks as if one of your friends is drowning in quicktrail or something 13th shot down. =)
    Phenomenal DOF on these. I don’t see no EXIF; may I ask what lens/focal length you were shooting with/at?
    And those are wicked photo fx! Somebody’s got a tablet, I presume?

  2. Very nice shots! I really like the Ap/distance-focusing you seem to be doing with a lot of them. Looks really good!
    That shot with the trees framing the entrance to the mining cave looks almost identical to one I took. It’s kind of eerie.

  3. Hey Bud:
    Well said about the mousie and froggie. Exactly what I was thinking..
    re: Pic 13.. the progression of that photo is what I like.. you can only see the feet of one person, the rest is implied. There’s something cool about that implication I think.. and can lead to some interesting interpretation if it’s left wide enough open!
    The DOF is due to shooting on an 50mm F1.4 prime lens for a lot of it, except for shots 9 through 14, which were shot on a 75-300mm F4-F5.6 telephoto lens.
    re: Photo FX .. not much done except the occasional shadow/highlight, curves, levels and a bit of vignetting .. but I have my own special method of vignetting that I developed in PS that involves a radial gradient overlay with 0% opacity in the middle and 14% opacity of black (most of the time) on the outer area, blended with linear light. This doesn’t just make the outer areas darker, it darkens and intensifies the midtone colour towards the edges, while preserving any light sources (lamps for example) that may be present and would look silly with a traditional vignette.
    Graham: It’s all about that prime lens! Srsly.

  4. Haha, I love intentionally misinterpreting photos and, admittedly, I missed out on the well-executed composition.
    And . . . oops. I was actually speaking of Caroline’s photo fx . . . but I never turn down some edumacation on others’ technique. =)
    Thanks much for the lens info. Never shot prime, but I’ve heard much of the fast-ness of those lenses and the experience gained using the ‘bipedal zoom.’ =)
    =) Bloo Alien-Head Bud

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