The delicate art of complimenting

This is a photo I took a couple weeks ago in Vancouver. I’ll be there again this weekend for Anand’s Ugly Shirt Party. It looks like I will miss the party but will catch them at that show they’re going to downtown. Hopefully someone has an extra ugly shirt for me, I donated all of mine recently to St. Vincent De Paul.
And now, for something completely different. The following picture has been, in fact, photoshopped, but the comment underneath it is very real and unedited. Proceed with caution.
“Beautiful pic sweetie — that view looks AMAZING… You look like a badass rockstar with those glasses on. Nice dress too!” – Comment left by dude on to my friend’s photo
Do you find that guys tend to go over the top when complimenting girls? Are our females really suffering from complimentry overload to the point where this kind of slobbering drivel becomes necessary to be heard? All that was necessary here was “Looks like a nice place. You appear to be well and I find your fashion sense agreeable.” Okay, that’s a bit boring. The fact remains that blatent and rampant complimenting takes away the power of the compliment in the first place. At some point people get unaffected by hearing that they are a “beautiful badass rockstar sweetie”. Dig? Stop, please. You’re hurting everyone.
Speaking of the wonder that is, my profile is here if you want to add me as a friend. I also have some of my music there, which you can not hear here yet. I know, that’s ridiculous, but it’ll change soon.

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1 Comment

  1. d00d, i totally agree on the overcomplimentation going around. all it does is make everything else sound insincere.

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