
don’t worry, i wont make you sick. i, in fact, will not make anyone sick. i’d tell you about the exciting stuff going on but i can’t feel excited right now, or anything but this headache and this sore throat and something like a fever. no distractions, just me and The Sick. to avoid being boring here are some pix from the ferry on monday night. bye.

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  1. heya.. hope you feel better sooner than you hope.. and that your humidifier helps… and that you drink some lemon and cayenne and honey (remember the recipe?)… and that you sleep and take good care of Davin.

  2. Ya, I had the same sickness. Starts off as a sore throat, then a bit of a flu/headache and then about 2 weeks of blowing huge wads of mucus out of your nose.
    Those pictures of the railings look cool! The lighting is perfect.

  3. so many people have this right now. I seem (knock on wood) to have kicked the worst part of it in a day or two. So keep your fingers crossed, perhaps you will be healthy soon!

  4. Ahhh…Davin i am so sorry you are feeling undertheweather…it was great to see you last saturday, thank you for comin! our turn to come to van? hope you’re feeling better soon! ;c)

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