rich watches television while holding his girlfriend, which he won on eBay. you can see that she looks a little surprised by all this.
i had the best night last night and the best day today. it’s made up for not getting to go to victoria in a very very long time. well. . i’m not sure when the last time was, but it sure felt like a long time ago.
tonight i went rock climbing, and then after, in the moonlight i took one of my favorite shots yet. i’ll post it when i get to victoria.. sadly i have no computer up here in nanaimo with working USB ports for downloading the pictures so that i can upload them to the site.
two of everything only tomorrow on tuesday!
my next pair of days off is thursday and friday and i hope to make it to victoria on wednesday evening, either via bus or via a ride of some other sort. i keep on meaning to find out about the train — i hear it’s a nice ride but fairly expensive. maybe i can get some sort of special rate on it .. anyone know of any deals on the train between nanaimo and victoria?
my my..who’s that hot guy holding my album made out of a strange material called VINYL..who’da thunk?
wooo what a great pic of rich and chrissie!
the train ride is lovely. i went from duncan to victoria once years ago and it was about $10 i think. i tried to check online for you but the reservation system isn’t working on via rail’s site. you can try later to find out, or call them
whaaaat!? I thought you were coming back on toozday 🙁
I do , I do..I know!