ascend or descend?

is this going up, or is it going down?
wtf??! is that the moon?!!
yeah. haha.
tomorrow morning, myself and anastasia leave for atlin.
so, it says here that our flight to vancouver leaves at 8:40 a.m. it also sez that we have to be at the airport a full hour before the plane leaves or we might lose our seats. ohkay. so we must be ready to leave at the airport at 7:40 a.m. why don’t they just say that?
we arrive at vancouver international airport at 9 a.m.
we depart from vancouver international airport at 12:30 p.m.
we arrive in whitehorse at 3 p.m.
i think i want to buy a travel version of chess so that myself and anastasia can kill some time that way. it’s a bit healthier than eating for 3 hours. plus for some reason i think that chess would be fun to get into again. not that i was really into it before, but i sort of was interested. i know the rules.. but none of the strategy.
well, here comes some seriously cold weather.
today was fun! i did some media stuff with the mayor of north cowichan (jon) and the mayor of duncan (mike). that was fun. with the media there, i got to see this goliath of a canon eos. a fellow from the newsgroup named andrew had one. i didn’t really get a good look at it, but it just appeared to have so much stuff going on. neat. my g2 looked like a baby beside it.
i was interviewed by the shaw folks, there was a reporter there too. all sorts of hubbub and hooplah! good times, good times.
i don’t know if i will be able to update from atlin, so i’ll talk to you all on thursday.

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