
thanks to aaron (domain name), jodie (maintenance of blog list), and myself (hosting, design, construction) we have a website to call all our own:
if you would like your blog added, please contact jodie. [spam protected — take out REMOVE before sending your email. and fixed. whoops!]

this is post 666!! ahhhhh!!!!! the devil!!!!!!

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  1. Crazy people can’t read instructions! 😉
    However, you might wanna talk to Jodie and/or review the list. Kenzie hasn’t blogged in a year, the URL for my site is waaaay old, and so is YOURS in fact! I emailed Jodie re: Kenzie and myself, but didn’t discover yours until just now.

  2. hmm, I’m not too bright… davin you need to edit my last post (apparently I can’t), because I put jodie’s email without the remove part and the spam spiders may be able to find it… me so stoopid.

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