
well, i spent from 10 pm – 1 am last night in the E.R., and from 9 am til noon also in the E.R. The docs don’t think its anything super serious and have recommended I just rest for a couple days and report back to them on how I am doing if it gets .. badder.
i want to be unbad.

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  1. ugh davin, that sucks. i’m sorry to hear you’re sick. you’ll be unbad soon methinks. i’m sending you purpley healing thoughts today, k? but if you don’t get better soon i’ll have to come over and kick y’er ass. 😉

  2. you can now email the kicking! i logged into my webmail acct as krishen suggested .. since my email client switchover in august, a copy of every email sent to me was sitting on the server. most of it junk mail. bleh!

  3. Hey Davin,
    Are you using the Mac OS X “Mail” app? If you haven’t fixed it yet here’s how:
    Mail -> Preferences… -> Accounts -> [double-click on your shaw account] -> Advanced tab. From here you can tell mail how you want to handle your mail on the server.
    Hope you’re better soon!!!!

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